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Friday, May 8, 2015

OSU Pride Week 'Can You Queer Me Now?' 2015

Headline 'Can You Queer Me Now?' Barometer May, 8, 2015, p.1

PHOTO: In a campy parody of an old telephone company slogan, "Can you Hear Me Now?," the Oregon State University Pride Week took back the word "queer" from the homophobes, who have historically used the word "queer" as an insult, and used it in the headline for a student newspaper story by Kat Kothen, associate news editor, Jasmin Vogel, news reporter, "'Can You Queer Me Now?' Pride Week critical to celebration, visibility of Oregon State University LGBTQ+ community," OSU Barometer, May 8, 2015, p. 1-2 posted May 7, 2015. I would be curious to know how much today's students understand about the history of the word "queer," both internationally and specifically on the OSU Campus where there was a huge fight over whether or not to name the OSU Pride Center the OSU Queer Resource Center. See previous post OSU Pride Week 2015 student editorial and Dr. Sex comments (5/6/15) and OSU Queer Resource Center documentary video review (10/20/10).

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