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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

OSU female STEM majors and drag featured in student newspaper

OSU Barometer May 1, 2017, p. 15 (left) STEM, p. 7 (right) drag

PHOTO: Headline about the lack of female STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) majors at OSU (left) and the annual OSU Pride Week Drag show (right) are featured in the latest OSU student newspaper, just in time for the family visit weekend. The total OSU enrollment is approximately 30,225 students and 24 percent (7254) are majoring in engineering, 80 percent men (5836) and 20 percent women (1418). Alos, according to data printed in OSU Momentum! sidebar, "Engineering by the numbers," Spring 2017, p. 13 the OSU College of Engineering 2016 enrollment numbers are 1,731 female out of a total of 8,724 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled, according. (See Jaya Black-Lazo, "Lack of women in STEM majors at OSU apparent," Barometer, May 1, 2017, p. 15-16 and "OSU Spring Drag Show provides form of self-expression, creates community for LGBTQ+ individuals ," OSU barometer, May 1, 2017, p. 1, 9) Also see previous post OSU 'Beaver Queen' student graduation story read by parents in student newspaper (6/12/15) - "The graduation of the Oregon State University student Luke Kawasaki" who is shown still performing this year in the photo above.

From the student newspaper:

" Engineering is one of thmajors at Oregon State University with the largest number of students, as well as the largest disparity between men and women. According to the Oregon State enrollment and demographics report, 24 percent of the university is made up of engineering students, the largest major by far at OSU. Based on average enrollment for 2017, undergraduate engineering students identifying as male numbered 5,836 while women numbered only 1,418. . . However, not every major at OSU is dominated by men. The College of Forestry has a fairly equal distribution of men and women. . ."

(Quoted from Jaya Black-Lazo, "Lack of women in STEM majors at OSU apparent," Barometer, May 1, 2017, p. 15-16)