PHOTO: Examples of gay student group marketing efforts in the Oregon State University student newspaper include the same small, 6 point type, campus calendar listings used in 1976 (left), but also today it includes paid advertisements, for example, the above ad run Oct. 2, 2012, p. 2 and 7, for a speech by gay activist Lt. Dan Choi who fought the anti-gay military policy "don't ask, don't tell." The speech was supported by the Editorial Board, "We salute Lt. Choi," Barometer, Oct. 3, 2012, p. 3 and Staff, "Editorial: Yeas and Nays," Barometer Oct. 5, 2012, p. 3, which said, "Yea to Lt. Dan Choi speaking at OSU this week. Nay to gay marriage still being against the constitution in Oregon. We're glad that instead this election we are voting on more substantive issues like legalizing pot and casinos." A follow up article was written by Don Iler, "Rights activist, former soldier talks about life as part of Queer History Month," Barometer, Oct. 4, 2012. The article quotes Rylan Wall, the internal coordinator for the OSU Pride Center. (See previous post OSU gay student groups evolve from newspaper to Facebook Age marketing (10/1/02)) Also, coincidentally on page 7 of the Oregon State University student newspaper was a syndicated wire news story about California banning ex-gay therapy. (for more background see Wayne Besen, "The Convoluted Legal Case For Reparative Therapy," posted Oct. 3, 2012 and Jim Burroway, "NARTH, Liberty Counsel to Challenge California's Ex-Gay Ban for Minors in Court," posted Oct. 1, 2012)
PHOTO: (click on photo to enlarge) SOL "the multicultural lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender support network at Oregon State University" is featured in a photo spread in the student newspaper with Photos by Neil Abrew, "Bowl with SOL," Barometer Oct. 5, 2012, p. 8. The caption quotes Erin Cahill, the internal coordinator for SOL saying, "There's a lot of people getting something from this event besides just free pizza and bowling." The marketing techniques of free pizza, along with manning a table in the quad, has proven to be effective along with the same old 6-point type notices in the campus calaender section of the student newspaper that were use to start the first OSU gay student group in 1976. (See previous post OSU gay student groups evolve from newspaper to Facebook Age marketing (10/1/02))
PHOTO: Student newspaper article by Don Iler, "Officials abandon "wear black" campaign," Barometer, Oct. 2, 2012, p. 1 documents the objections to asking students to all wear the official school color of black at football games because many perceive it as being racially offensive, especially after somebody came made up in black face with an afro wig a few years ago. Of course, many conservatives and others outside of the university see this type of ban as an example of typical college campus "political correctness" that is not productive and infringes freedom of speech rights. The free speech crowd needn't worry because before game day, the University President Ed Ray lifted the ban and asked everyone to prove OSU students can behave properly while showing school spirit. See the article by Don Iler, "Back in black," Barometer Oct. 5, 2012, p. 1. Also see Editorial Board, "Missed opportunity with blackout decision," Barometer, Oct. 2, 2012 and Letters to editor, Oct. 3, 2012.
It is amazing to think that a few years ago a few anti-gay Republican students started a competing student newspaper, "The Liberty." It is heartening to see things at OSU are moving in a more positive direction. See previous posts OSU 'The Liberty' plays victim card (9/26/10) and OSU antigay professor dies (4/11/09).