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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy PI day 3.141592654...

lower case Greek letter pi

PHOTO: In mathematics, the lower case Greek letter π equals the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter.

Anybody who has passed a mathematics course is familiar with the lower case Greek letter for π (pronounced pi) that is used to represent the number created by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter, which when written in a decimal form is a number with a never repeating sequence of digits.

Today is known as PI day because π equals 3.141592654 . . . and using the American style of calendar and time formats, the date for March 14, 2015 is commonly abbreviated 3/14/15 and 9:26:54 A.M. and P.M today then adds more digits to it.

See "Pi Day," From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia accessed Mar. 14, 2015 and"Circumference," From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia accessed Mar. 14, 2015. Note that Π is the upper case Greek letter for Pi that is often used by college fraternities and sororities.