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Monday, July 22, 2013

Businessweek puts gay marriage on page 69, OSU gay widow, also Wayne Dynes reflects on changing goals

PHOTO: (above left) the cover of a large-circulation business magazine ironically displayed an erect "up and to the right" graph on the July 15-21, 2013 issue, which convinced me that a clueless editor or a subversive gay art director is doing the magazine layout because in the previous printed issue (seen above right) Businessweek ran a gay marriage story on page 69 -- a common slang term for a homosexual act! (See the story by Jessica Grosse, "The Gay Wedding Gift is money. Here come the brides and grooms. Companies are hoping to profit from same-sex marriage," Businessweek magazine, July 8-14, 2013, p. 69 and published on line as "The $51 Billion Wedding Industry Toasts a Post-DOMA Bump," posted June 28, 2013)

Other loosely related notes on things I've recently read: