Friday, December 22, 2017

Comic page homophobe honors George Weinberg who coined homophobia

homophobe comic GT 12/22/2017 p. B9

PHOTO: "I'm a homophobe," declares a character in the comic strip "Pearls Before Swine," to explain why he fears going home for the holidays. It was published on the comic page of the Corvallis Gazette-Times newspaper, Dec. 22, 2017, p. B9, just in time for Christmas. It might just be a coincidence, but this comic strip is a nice honor to George Weinberg, who coined the word "homophobia" nearly half a ccentury ago. (See previous post George Weinberg who coined 'homophobia' died at age 87 (3/25/17))

Frank Kameny, Jack Nichols and George Weinberg riding on Heritage of Pride float

PHOTO: I had the honor of getting to know all of these famous gay rights activists nearly a decdae ago, who are seen above (left to right) Dr. Frank Kameny, Jack Nichols, and Dr. George Weinberg being honored as Grand Marshalls of New York City's 2004 Heritage of Pride Parade. George Weinberg, who is the scholar that coined the word 'homophobia,' died this year at the age of 87. (See previous post George Weinberg who coined 'homophobia' died at age 87 (3/25/17)) - Photo courtesy of Randy Wicker.